
Health Education

Year 10 - Core

Length of Course: Full Year
Department: Health and Physical Education
Head of Department: Miss Anna Rossetto
Year Available: 2025

The Health Education Program complements the wider school’s wellbeing program TripleR based on Relationships, Resilience and Reflection. This subject seeks to create a positive environment which protects, nurtures and extends to students the skills of self-care and help-seeking.

This subject is taught by teachers with training and experience in Health Education, so that issues may be dealt with sensitively in a classroom environment that respects student privacy, cultural beliefs and personal views. The physical, social, mental and emotional safety of students is promoted.

The main objective is to assist students to make positive decisions about a range of issues. Students are encouraged to consider all the facts, possible consequences and assess their personal values.

Curriculum focus

Topics in Year 10 include:

  • CPR and Emergency Care

  • Road Safety and Driver Education

  • Drug Education

  • Respectful Relationships and Sexuality Education

  • Mental Health and Wellness

  • Gambling Awareness


Students undertake a variety of approaches to develop an understanding of course content. These include classroom discussion of topics, role-plays, peer teaching, student presentation of issues, guest speakers, debates and formal analysis of content and current issues.


For more detailed information, please click on the link/s below: