At Year 10, the Science Course incorporates elements of the Australian Curriculum. Science has three interrelated strands: Science Knowledge, Science as a Human Endeavour and Science Enquiry Skills.
Specific units of study include Chemistry, Physics, Biology and The Universe.
In Year 10, students will:
use the periodic table to make predictions about the properties of elements and to write chemical formula and equations
explain how different factors influence the rate of chemical reactions
understand and apply relationships between force, mass and acceleration to predict changes in the motion of objects
evaluate the evidence that explains the origin of the universe and the diversity of life on Earth
explain the processes that underpin heredity and evolution
apply knowledge and skills from chemistry, biology and physics to evaluate evidence
develop their skills in planning, undertaking and reporting on scientific investigations.
A student’s level of performance is continually assessed over the year using a combination of:
assignment work
concept worksheets
experimental investigations and reports
topic quizzes and tests
end-of-semester examination
For more detailed information, please click on the link/s below:
Students will need a scientific calculator
Students will order their textbook from the book-list
The Stile Science package will be administered by the school