
Future Me: My Rights, My Money

Year 10 - Elective

Length of Course: Semester
Department: Business Studies
Head of Department: Ms Libby Paul
Year Available: 2025

This subject is a practical one that is designed to prepare students to be job ready, independent and equipped to make sound consumer and financial decisions. On completion of the semester, students will have created budgets and a curriculum vitae and have gained interview experience. They will also become aware of their rights in the changing Australian workplace.

A focus is on financial literacy in order for students to be prepared to manage financial risks and rewards. They will develop ICT skills enable to them to produce a budget in order to manage their personal finances. Consumer literacy is also a focus, so that students acquire a strong understanding of their rights as a consumer. Students will be better informed about their potential future rights and responsibilities as both a driver and a tenant.

Curriculum focus

1. Workplace readiness

  • Applying for a job

  • Job interviews

  • Workplace rights

2. Managing money

  • Budgeting

  • Investing

  • Borrowing

3. Rights and responsibilities

  • Independent living

  • Driving

  • Consumer rights

  • Police powers

  • Going to court


Students will be assessed by a range of tasks, which may include a folio of exercises, a case study, a test or a report.

There will also be an examination at the end of the semester.

Key Resource

In the current absence of a suitable textbook, Business Studies staff have created their own learning resources. These will be made available at the start of the semester.