
Careers Learning Centre

Subject Choices and Transition from School

Selection of studies/subjects for Year 11 and 12 takes careful consideration by students in Year 10 and throughout their VCE years. The following guidelines should ensure that students have a high degree of flexibility:

  • Mr Adrian Blades is the Careers Educator and Ms Sam Kenny is the Assistant Careers Educator and both are available on a full-time basis on the Senior School Campus.

  • Mr Blades will conduct all Years 10, 11 and 12 interviews supporting students with their subject selection, tertiary course selection and career outlines along with parental engagement over their senior school years. These meetings are held during a specific time frame each term for each year level and are widely advertised before they commence.

  • Year 10 students have their careers interview in term 3, these meetings follow on from each student completing their 'Morrisby Profile' which is an aptitude and career interest assessment tool. Students receive a full report once they finish their Morrisby Profile and then this report is then discussed during the students VCE subject selection along with other career opportunities.

  • Year 11 students have their careers meeting in Term 2 which will be based on subject discussion to check they are on track and any subject related changes that may be relevant or required for any future course interest.

  • Year 12 students have 2 meetings during the year, Term 1 is to discuss any GAP year options, check they are still on track with course options and subjects and Term 3 is to complete their VTAC Application if going onto future study and/or discuss any alternative future career pathways as in apprenticeship/traineeship etc.

  • Students should try to match their subject choices with the areas that they enjoy, and in which they do well. These considerations, plus the specific or general nature of their career plans will hold them in good stead and keep abreast of course prerequisites.

  • It is critical that students also check their studies are correct for their specific year of tertiary entrance; this specific information comes from the VTAC website or from Career discussions.

  • Students are shown how to navigate Course Search pages on VTAC and with other admissions centres around Australia, they then can research their own courses of interest. See VTAC on how the ATAR is calculated and scaling works -

  • Assistance and advice will be offered on the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) requirements for Medicine applications and interviewing techniques.

  • Opportunities are also available for those Year 9 students who are looking at accelerating in a subject to have a careers meeting to discuss the options.

  • Interstate and overseas applications are also supported and encouraged.

  • The Geelong College is an approved SAT test centre which is the test required for applications to Colleges in the United States see for more information on scheduled dates - College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools


Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are informed through the Careers Bulletin on the numerous events that will happen during the year.

University Open Days
These are an opportunity to find out about courses in which students have an interest in, speak with professionals and understand course requirement/s and get a feel for the university environment you will be studying in.

Scholarships and Duke of Edinburgh Award
The Careers Centre will offer a range of external scholarship programs for Years 10, 11 and 12 students. These are well advertised though the careers bulletin or directly to the year level that they are applicable to. The Careers Learning Centre is also responsible for the support and administration of the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Careers Expo
Our Careers Expo is held in the Keith Humble centre in May. This expo is open to all senior school students and parents, whilst Year 10 students are expected to attend as this also leads into subject selection. The event is an open forum where you can walk around and talk with a variety of guests including old collegians, professionals in different fields, local tertiary institutions, and many others, this event gives students opportunities to explore a range of careers by talking to the relevant people.

External Career Expos
The Age VCE and Careers Expo at Caulfield Racecourse during May, the National Careers and Employment Expo during July at the Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre or the Geelong Further Education Information Evening at Deakin University and many more.

Work Experience
Years 10, 11 or 12 students have the option of participating in Work Experience during the Term 1, 2 or 3 term holidays. Students and parents are to organise a placement independently, once organised the careers office is to be notified with at least 3 weeks’ notice to arrange the official legal paperwork that is required and signed off by the school. Work experience is run by the government and there is many legal requirements before a student can be approved, for further information please ask or email careers.


Course Search allows students to research courses available through The Victorian Tertiary Admission Centre (VTAC) and create a short list which can be emailed. The program also gives a brief account of the course structure, major studies, and ATAR and selection requirements for course applications and these are also available through interstate admissions centres. The following is a list of admissions centres: