Welcome to the Senior School Courses of Study. On these pages you will find information about our academic program, processes, key timelines and subject-specific information.
Key personnel for the Academic Program at the Senior School are the Head of Learning and Curriculum; Deputy Head of Senior School (Operations); VCE Coordinator and the Heads of Department.
Parents who have a specific query or concern regarding a class should in the first instance raise this with the individual teacher of the class. The next point of contact is the relevant Head of Department or their child’s Head of House. If a parent believes that the matter has not been adequately resolved then the Head of Senior School office may become a point of contact. Matters concerning subject selection are managed by the Deputy Head of Senior School (Operations) and all administration of the VCE is managed by the VCE Coordinator. Heads of Department can provide detailed information about specific courses and assessment.
Head of Learning & Curriculum - Ms Laura Dillon - laura.dillon@tgc.vic.edu.au
Deputy Head of Senior School (Operations) - Mr Matthew Taylor - matthew.taylor@tgc.vic.edu.au
VCE Coordinator - Mr Chris Morgan - chris.morgan@tgc.vic.edu.au
- Career Interviews for Year 11 moving into Year 12
- VCE Subject Expo and Information Evening in Term 2 (for current Years 9 and 10)
- Career Interviews for Year 10 moving into Year 11 Week 3 and 4
- Years 10, 11, 12 Subject Selections open for initial selections, Weeks 6 to 9
- Year 9 Elective Subject Expo and Welcome to Senior School Evening in Term 3 (for current Year 8s and new students starting Year 9)
Years 9 to 12 Subject Preferences due online via "Web Preferences".
Web Preferences is the application that students must use to enter their subject preferences. Every endeavour will be made to allocate students to their top preferences but some compromise my be required.
November + January
The assumption is that students have selected and ordered their preferences carefully. However, a small number of students may wish to request a change based on final results for the year or because of a change in career aspirations. If a student wishes to change subject choices, they must discuss with their Head of House prior to seeing the Deputy Head of Senior School (Operations) personally. Changes may be made after November examinations or in the last week of the summer holidays prior to the commencement of school.