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Cadets 1886 Cropped.JPG

Cadets 1886 Group.JPG

Cadets 1886.JPG

Cadets 1890 circa.JPG

Cadets 1891 First Bugle Band Cropped.JPG

Cadets 1893 Bugle Band.JPG

Cadets 1893 Officers and Non Commissioned Officers.JPG

Cadets 1895 Officers and Non Commissioned Officers.JPG

Cadets 1896 Officers and NCOs (Decade).JPG

Cadets 1896 Shooting Team (Decade).JPG

Cadets 1898 Officers and NCOs  (Decade).JPG

Cadets 1902 Shooting Team.jpg

Cadets 1903 Field Firing Team.jpg

Cadets 1903 Shooting Team.jpg

Cadets 1904 (Annual Report Page 46).JPG

Cadets 1904 Officers and NCOs.JPG

Cadets 1904 Shooting Team Winners of the Cumming Cup.jpg

Cadets 1905 Officers and NCOs (Annual Report Page 50).JPG

Cadets 1905 Shooting Team (Annual Report Page 48).JPG

Cadets 1905 Shooting Team Winners of the Cumming Cup.JPG

Cadets 1905 Shooting Teams (Annual Report Page 51).JPG

Cadets 1906 Annual Report Page 38.JPG

Cadets 1906 Shooting Team Winners of the Cumming Cup.jpg

Cadets 1906 Winners of Cumming Cup Annual Report Page 42.JPG

Cadets 1907 Album Cherry G E Postcard 15 Officers and Non Coms 1907 a (Cherry E J).jpg

Cadets 1907 Officers and NCOs (Annual Report Page 41).JPG

Cadets 1907 Shooting Team (Annual Report Page 43).JPG

Cadets 1908 Officers and NCOs (Decade).JPG

Cadets 1908 Shooting Team.JPG

Cadets 1909 Corp (GC Album).jpg

Cadets 1909 Officers and NCOs (Decade).JPG

Cadets 1909 Officers and Non Comms (GC Album).jpg

Cadets 1909 Shooting Team.JPG

Cadets 1910 Shooting Team (GC Album).jpg

Cadets 1911 Shooting Team.JPG

Cadets 1912 Shooting team.JPG

Cadets 1913 Rifle Team (Pegasus p28).JPG

Cadets 1928 Guard 23rd Battalion Seymour (Album G A Wood 03).jpg

Cadets 1931 Pegasus August.JPG

Cadets 1934 Officers and NCOs.jpg

Cadets 1935 (Bechervaise 021).jpg

Cadets 1935 Officers and NCOs (Pegasus p49).JPG

Cadets 1935 Officers names on back also Peg p17.JPG

Cadets 1936 Anzac Day  (Peg p22).JPG

Cadets 1936 Officers and NCOs (Peg p18).JPG

Cadets 1936 Queenscliff Camp  (Peg p21).JPG

Cadets 1939  Officers front Capt Lamble Lt Dunkley (decade).JPG

Cadets 1940 (H.Lade).JPG

Cadets 1940 on Parade (Ferguson).JPG

Cadets 1940 Signal Training.JPG

Cadets 1944 Corps Officer and NCOs 1944.JPG

Cadets 1947 Inspection by Gen Clowes (D Grant).JPG

Cadets 1948 Band (Karmouche).JPG

Cadets 1948 Officers and NCOs.JPG

Cadets 1949 Band entering at Dining Hall.JPG

Cadets 1949 Clowes Cup Rifle Team.JPG

Cadets 1949 Officers and NCOs.JPG

Cadets 1950 A Division Officers and NCOs.JPG

Cadets 1950 Drill Platoon (Wallce Smith).JPG

Cadets 1950 Non Commisioned Officers and Officers.JPG

Cadets 1950 Officers and NCOs.JPG

Cadets 1948 Officers at Camp Buntine Baird Lawler Dunkley Chambers.JPG

Cadets 1951 Band.JPG

Cadets 1951 Cadet Under Officer Howden recieves Driil Platoon Shield.JPG

Cadets 1951 Champion Drill Platoon.JPG

Cadets 1951 Guard on Mackie Oval.JPG

Cadets 1951 Officers and NCOs.jpg

Cadets 1952 Band.JPG

Cadets 1952 Drill Platoon (A Steele).JPG

Cadets 1952 Mortar Platoon (Warnock Album 91).jpg

Cadets 1952 Presentation Drill Shield Col Weate (I Morrison).JPG

Cadets 1952 Specialist Platoon (Warnock Album 84).jpg

Cadets 1953 Band.JPG

cadets 1953 Field Day (RColvin).JPG

Cadets 1953 Mortar and MG Group.JPG

Cadets 1954 Drill Platoon ( H Dickinson).JPG

Cadets 1955  Recruit Platoon ( D Sloane).JPG

Cadets 1955 (D Sloane).JPG

Cadets 1955 Band Dr Maj J McDonald.JPG

Cadets 1955 Capt JHC Lt D McMillan.JPG

Cadets 1955 no ID (W Gellie).JPG

Cadets 1955 Officers and  NCOs (D Sloane).JPG

Cadets 1955 Recruit Pltn ( D Sloane).JPG

Cadets 1955 Rifle Team ( D Sloane).JPG

Cadets 1955 Specialists (D Sloane).JPG

cadets 1955 unnamed Platoon D Sloane).JPG

Cadets 1955 untitled (D Sloane).JPG

Cadets 1955 Untitled Platoon (D Sloane).JPG

Cadets 1956 Band.JPG

Cadets 1956 Five Platoon.JPG

Cadets 1956 Group on Field Exercise.JPG

cadets 1956 Guard Platoon.JPG

Cadets 1956 Seymour.JPG

Cadets 1956 Six Platoon possibly.JPG

Cadets 1957 Band Dr Maj T.Simpson.JPG

Cadets 1957 Five Pl.JPG

Cadets 1957 Five Platoon.JPG

Cadets 1957 Four Platoon.JPG

Cadets 1957 Group.JPG

Cadets 1957 Guard in training Seymour.JPG

Cadets 1957 Guard Practice Site 17 Seymour.JPG

Cadets 1957 no ID Platoon (D Sloane).JPG

Cadets 1957 Officers and NCOs.JPG

Cadets 1957 On Parade.JPG

Cadets 1957 One Plt.JPG

Cadets 1957 Pipe Band.JPG

Cadets 1957 Seven Platoon.JPG

Cadets 1957 Seymour Guard training.JPG

Cadets 1957 Specialist Platoon.JPG

Cadets 1957 Three Platoon.JPG

Cadets 1957 Two Platoon.JPG

Cadets 1957 unnamed Platoon (R Hood).JPG

Cadets 1958  Mortar Specialists.JPG

Cadets 1958  Platoon no ID.JPG

Cadets 1958 Band.JPG

Cadets 1958 CUO Jim Thomas Plt.JPG

Cadets 1958 CUO Robin Lawson Plt.JPG

Cadets 1958 Eighth Platoon.JPG

Cadets 1958 Fifth Platoont CUO R Moreton.JPG

Cadets 1958 Ninth Platoon.JPG

Cadets 1958 Officers and NCOs.JPG

Cadets 1958 Second Platoon CUO K Hawken.JPG

Cadets 1958 Seventh Platoon CUO A Lawler.JPG

Cadets 1958 Specialists CUO M Keating.JPG

Cadets 1958 Vickers MG Specialists.JPG

Cadets 1959  No ID.JPG

Cadets 1959 Band.JPG

Cadets 1959 CUO N Walter & lt Col Turner.JPG

Cadets 1959 Drill Platoon (also Peg Dec 1959).JPG

Cadets 1959 Eighth Olt CUO D Laidlaw.JPG

Cadets 1959 Governor General Sir Wm Slim at New Prep Fdn Stone Laying.JPG

Cadets 1959 Group Instr Capt McKenzie (Fire Control).JPG

Cadets 1959 Group No ID.JPG

Cadets 1959 Group.JPG

Cadets 1959 Guard inspn  Lt Col Turner.JPG

Cadets 1959 Guard Plt.JPG

Cadets 1959 JHC and HRD Sep Passing Out Pde.JPG

Cadets 1959 No ID Group.JPG

Cadets 1959 Officers and NCOs.JPG

Cadets 1959 Passing out parade.JPG

Cadets 1959 Passing Out Pde Dunk P78.JPG

Cadets 1959 Passing Out Pde.JPG

Cadets 1959 Platoon no ID.JPG

Cadets 1959 Specialists.JPG

Cadets 1960 After Church Pde.JPG

Cadets 1960 Band.JPG

Cadets 1960 Guard Inspection Batman Av Depot CUO B Fell-Smith.JPG

Cadets 1960 Guard Judging Batman Ave depot.JPG

Cadets 1960 Officers.JPG

Cadets 1960 Sgt Greig WOs Whitehead, Tymms.JPG

Cadets 1961 Centenary Pde B and C Coys Dunk P82.JPG

Cadets 1961 Gen Simpson instructs Dunk P82.JPG

Cadets 1961 New Prep Sir Wm Slim Inspects Dunk P78.JPG

Cadets 1962 Drill Plt Dunk P86.JPG

Cadets 1962 JHC Leads Pass Out Pde.JPG

Cadets 1962 Officers and NCOs.JPG

Cadets 1962 Pass Out Pde Dunk P 87.JPG

Cadets 1962 Presantation to JHC on 22 yrs Service.JPG

Cadets 1962 Rifle Team Dunk P86.JPG

Cadets 1963 Unarmed Combat  Dunk P 91.JPG

Cadets 1964 Geelong College Cadet Pipe Band.JPG

Cadets 1964 Officers and NCOs Dunk P93.JPG

Cadets 1964 Pass Out Pde Dunk P94.JPG

Cadets 1964 Rifle Team Dunk P 95.JPG

Cadets 1964 Unarmed Combat Dunk P 94.JPG

Cadets 1965 Officers and NCOs Dunk P96.JPG

Cadets 1966 Bren Strip and Assemble Dunk P99.JPG

Cadets 1966 Cadet Officers Pegasus p24 (Jenkins).JPG

Cadets 1967 Bren Strip and Assemble Dunk P101.JPG

Cadets 1968 Band at last Dunkley parade.JPG

Cadets 1968 Dunkley handsover to Lt Col Turner.JPG

Cadets 1968 Guests at Dunkley Turner handover.JPG

Cadets 1968 Lt Col Turner and Guard.JPG

Cadets 1968 Officers.JPG

Cadets 1968 Old and New HRD Last Pde Dunk P103.JPG

Cadets 1968 Pass Out Pde Guests Dunk P103.JPG

Cadets 1971 Officers and CUOs (Pegasus p23).JPG

Cadets 1973 Officers and CUOs (Pegasus p75).JPG

Cadets 1975 Cadet Under Officers (Pegasus p35).JPG

Cadets 1975 Girls at Anglesea Mrs M Bilney (Peg p36).JPG