KOCH, Wallace Allen (1947-2023)

KOCH, Wallace Allen (Wally) (1947-2023)

Wally was enrolled as a boarder at the College in 1959, starting in Form UIVA. His father W C Koch had also attended school (OGC 1937) and his brothers David (OGC 1964) and Malcolm (OGC 1966) soon joined him too. He was dux of his class in 1960 and joined the cadets, but his name features most in the Pegasus for his sporting pursuits. Although having been part of McArthur House in previous years, in 1964 Wally received multiple Mackie House* colours for sports including athletics, football and rowing. He was the stroke of the 1st VIII crew in 1964 and received school rowing colour and honours that year. He was also a member of the 1st XVIII and Athletics team, and often represented the school in the combined sports as a member of the relay team.

Following school, Wally returned to the family farming property, Wando Dale, Coleraine. He enjoyed working on the land, and most recently had been farming at Tarrington near Hamilton. He was married to Judy and his stepson Jonas Lea attended the College (OGC 1994). Wally fondly remembered his time at school and made lifelong friends.

Wally passed away 14 April 2023, aged 75 years.


The Age 19 April 2023, Pegasus, OGC 1960.

*From about 1964 to 1974 Mackie operated under the vertical house system, with boys from Form III to second year Form VI, and participated in the Inter-House competitions.
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