McDONALD, Allan McKenzie DFC (1923-2015)

McDONALD, Allan McKenzie DFC (1923-2015)

Allan McKenzie McDonald, stock and station agent, and wartime Flying Officer navigator, survived the perilous death rate in bomber command during World War II to return to rural life.

Allan first went to Winchelsea State School before entering as a boarder at College from 12 February 1936 to December 1938. At College, he became the Under 15 Singles Tennis Champion and was Vice-Captain of the Under 15 Football Team. His son, Barry Checklin McDonald OGC 1963, was also educated at College.

Allan’s wartime reminiscences were the subject of an article by the Geelong Advertiser newspaper in 2013 and his obituary in 2015. His DFC citation read: During his tour of operations, the majority of which have been against some of the most heavily defended targets in Germany, F/O McDonald has proved himself a most able and courageous officer. During one daylight attack on Duisburg, his aircraft was severely damaged by anti-aircraft fire, one engine being rendered useless and the fuselage smashed in several places. This officer went to the assistance of the wounded wireless operator and gave valuable aid to his captain. His efficiency and determination did much to extract the crew from the desperate situation. F/O McDonald's courage and keenness to fly against the enemy have always been outstanding.’

Allan died on 19 December 2015.


The Border Mail 21 Dec 2015; Geelong Advertiser 21 Dec 2017 (Obituary). OGC 1936.
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