Modified on Tue, 08 May 2018 00:08 by Con — Categorized as: Buildings And Places, Topic


The fowl yard was in the corner now occupied by the Refectory Block and the former Hospital.

'A teacher named Lancelot St. George Piercy Austin — no wonder the boys shortened this to Toby - was very fond of fowls, and each hen at the College became a dear friend, complete with name. According to one of his confreres, Toby was no disciplinarian but a very likeable fellow. He kept a sympathetic eye open for new boys who were looking lost and miserable, and tried to cheer them up by a visit to the fowl yard, where he introduced them to his feathered friends: history does not relate with what success’ .

Lancelot St George Piercy Austin was an Assistant Master at the College from 1901 to 1914 and in charge of rowing from at least 1909 to 1914.

Sources: Pegasus June 1961 p 20.