SMITH, Albert Victor (1889-1944)

Modified on Thu, 29 Sep 2016 19:11 by Con — Categorized as: Biography - All, Biography - Students, Geelong College, Biography of War - World War I

SMITH, Albert Victor (1889-1944)

Albert Victor Smith was born on 11 November 1889 and enrolled at Geelong College in 1903.

During World War I he enlisted on 23 July 1915 but was discharged as medically unfit on 13 October that same year.

He became a fellmonger after the war.

Albert Smith of 'Tooronga', Thompson St, Belmont died on 5 August 1944

Sources: The Argus (Melb) 4 October 1944 p14; Geelong Collegians at the Great War compiled by James Affleck. p312 (citing National Archives).