THACKER, Birkwood William (1936-2014)

Modified on Tue, 26 Feb 2019 10:12 by Con — Categorized as: Biography - All, Biography - Students, Geelong College

THACKER, Birkwood William (1936-2014)

Birkwood William Thacker was a well-known printer in Geelong.

Born on 24 September 1936, the son of former Collegian, William Ethelbert Thacker (1884-1955), he became a student at College from 16 September 1941 at Kindergarten to December 1951 entering Shannon House at Senior School. He won notability during his schooling by becoming the Under 14 Swimming Champion in 1950.

Ian Watson, Head of the Preparatory School, later commented in Pegasus that ‘Another feature of the football season that warmed my heart, was the way Mr Birk Thacker came twice a week, voluntarily, to assist with coaching our main teams, and travelled as far afield as Ballarat and Melbourne to show these teams his interest and pride in the College. It seems only like yesterday that he and Mr Roland were small boys starring in our Under Age Prep. Teams, and it is encouraging to have their skill and energy still at our disposal.’

'Birk' died at Geelong Hospital on 20 January 2014 aged 77 years.

Sources: Pegasus June 1948 p17; Pegasus December 1950 p11; Pegasus June 1952 p5; Pegasus December 1960 p54; Geelong Advertiser 23 January 2014; Ad Astra July 2014 p45. OGC 1949.