This cup was awarded annually to the House at Senior School which secured the highest aggregate marks for the year in the Senior School Inter-House Competition, which originally was in both athletics and study.
The elements in the competition over time broadened to include a range of sporting and academic activities. Named in honour of Stanley B Hamilton Calvert and presented to the School by him, this solid silver cup was first presented in 1921 and won by Warrinn House. The award is not listed after 1976.
In the year 2000, the Peter Cronk Trophy, named after former staff member, Peter Cronk, was introduced as the award for the overall house championship.
Stanley B Calvert Cup Awardees:
1921 Warrinn
1922 Warrinn
1923 Shannon
1924 Barwon
1925 Warrinn
1926 Warrinn
1927 Shannon
1928 Shannon
1929 Morrison
1930 Warrinn
1931 Warrinn
1932 Calvert
1933 Not Listed
1934 Shannon
1935 Calvert
1936 Shannon
1937 Calvert
1938 Shannon
1939 Shannon
1940 Calvert
1941 Calvert
1942 Morrison
1943 Shannon
1944 Shannon
1945 Shannon
1946 Shannon
1947 Warrinn
1948 Shannon
1949 Calvert
1950 Warrinn
1951 Shannon
1952 Morrison
1953 Calvert
1954 Morrison
1955 McArthur
1956 Morrison
1957 Calvert
1958 McArthur
1959 McArthur
1960 Morrison
1961 McArthur
1962 Calvert
1963 Morrison
1964 Morrison
1965 Morrison
1966 Mackie
1967 Mackie
1968 Calvert
1969 McArthur
1970 Mackie
1971 Mackie
1972 Mackie
1973 Warrinn
1974 Warrinn
1975 Wettenhall
1976 Wettenhall
This cup was awarded annually to the House at Senior School which secured the highest aggregate marks for the year in the Senior School Inter-House Competition, which originally was in both athletics and study.
The elements in the competition over time broadened to include a range of sporting and academic activities. Named in honour of Stanley B Hamilton Calvert and presented to the School by him, this solid silver cup was first presented in 1921 and won by Warrinn House. The award is not listed after 1976.
In the year 2000, the Peter Cronk Trophy, named after former staff member, Peter Cronk, was introduced as the award for the overall house championship.
Stanley B Calvert Cup Awardees:
1921 Warrinn
1922 Warrinn
1923 Shannon
1924 Barwon
1925 Warrinn
1926 Warrinn
1927 Shannon
1928 Shannon
1929 Morrison
1930 Warrinn
1931 Warrinn
1932 Calvert
1933 Not Listed
1934 Shannon
1935 Calvert
1936 Shannon
1937 Calvert
1938 Shannon
1939 Shannon
1940 Calvert
1941 Calvert
1942 Morrison
1943 Shannon
1944 Shannon
1945 Shannon
1946 Shannon
1947 Warrinn
1948 Shannon
1949 Calvert
1950 Warrinn
1951 Shannon
1952 Morrison
1953 Calvert
1954 Morrison
1955 McArthur
1956 Morrison
1957 Calvert
1958 McArthur
1959 McArthur
1960 Morrison
1961 McArthur
1962 Calvert
1963 Morrison
1964 Morrison
1965 Morrison
1966 Mackie
1967 Mackie
1968 Calvert
1969 McArthur
1970 Mackie
1971 Mackie
1972 Mackie
1973 Warrinn
1974 Warrinn
1975 Wettenhall
1976 Wettenhall
Principal's Newsletter Term 2, 2001 p8; Ad Astra Sept 2002 p19.