See Also Publications
See Also Publications
The Geelong College
Anzac Day 2020. (Youtube)
A message of hope. Easter 2020. (Youtube)
Concert version of the Geelong College School Song, 'Sic itur ad astra'. (Youtube)
Geelong College Football, and if you are quick, the Aphrasia St Tram, circa 1947. (Black and White; No Sound; 16 Seconds; Lo Res.)
Head of the River, 1957. (Black and White; Sound; 50 Seconds; Lo Res.)
Head of the River, 1966, by courtesy of the David Family. (Colour; No Sound; 1 Minute; Lo Res.)
Demolition of the Morrison Hall Tower, 1966, by courtesy of the David Family. (Colour; No Sound; 49 Seconds; Lo Res.)
Tribute to Lindsay Hassett by Lindsay Hassett Club 2011. (Some Colour; Mainly Black and White; Sound)
Albert Centenary Dinner 2017. (Colour; Sound; LoRes.)
Wurlitzer Music
'Our Albert', Keith McNaughton's tribute to Albert Bell. ( 2 Minutes 9 Seconds.)
Albert's Talk to the 1948 1st VIII. ( 1 Minute 7 Seconds.)
War Cry ( 33 Seconds. )
Morongo Presbyterian Girls' College
Morongo School Song: 'Sint Lucernae ardentes!'. (Piano only).
Morongo Vespers: 'Now on Land and Sea Descending'. (Piano only; 2 Minutes 7 Seconds.)
Morongo Hymn: 'To Thee O God'. (Piano only; 2 Minutes 18 Seconds.).