
Heritage Guide to The Geelong College

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In Pegasus of January 1943 during World War II, the Principal, Francis Rolland, wrote about the precautions the School might need to take in the event of evacuation procudures. As protection against the potential of sporadic bombing an air raid shelter was constructed. He wrote 'We had to dig in and have adequate shelter. During the summer holidays the heavy work of digging was done by a scoop, and the trenches were lined with timber and provided with seats. The boys, guided by Mr Webb, completed the trenches on their return.'

Sources: Pegasus July 1942 p52; Pegasus January 1943 p8.

Air Raid Shelter, 1942. View towards south-west.

Air Raid Shelter, 1942. View towards south-west.

Air Raid Shelter, 1942. View north towards Main Oval.

Air Raid Shelter, 1942. View north towards Main Oval.

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