
Heritage Guide to The Geelong College

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The Argus Prize was an award given as a role model prize and was similar in nature to the Dr Baxter Prize and possibly replaced it although both prizes were awarded from 1926 to 1928. The Argus Prize was usually given to the School Captain or Head Prefect. By 1937 it was referred to as 'the Prefect's Prize'. It was replaced in 1953 with a new award, the Headmaster's Prize.
No account has been found identifying the reason for the naming of the Prize. The word 'Argus' derives from Greek mythology referring to a giant with one hundred eyes who was made guardian of the heifer, 'lo' and was subsequently slain by Hermes. It could be said to describe someone of great vigilance, alertness or watchfulness. No College students have the surname 'Argus'. The name could also relate to the 'Argus' newspaper which did provide occasional support to schools for prizes.

Argus prize Awardees:

1926 Hooper, W H W
........ Keays, J F
1927 Sinclair, A J M
1928 Hooper, F R
1929 Ingpen, D A
1930 Hicks, J D
1931 Shannon, N S
1932 Notman, G C
1933 Coulstock, T R
1934 McKenzie, G C C
1935 Gerrard, J A
1936 Reid, F C D
1937 Forbes, J A
1938 McPherson, I H
1939 Barrett, J W
1940 Blackwood, A F
1941 Davey F H
1942 McDonald, J A C
1943 Buchanan, J K
1944 Meeking, C R K
1945 Ewen, G W C
1946 Macmillan, D R T
1947 Hope, A D
1948 Lyon, M E
1949 Billington, W J
1950 Baird, E C
1951 Wallace Smith, G H
1952 Jones, A W
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