The Heritage Guide to The Geelong College is designed as a populist, ready reference guide to historic information about The Geelong College. It is primarily intended as a source for former students and current staff, although current students, their parents, and former staff will also find much useful information within the Guide.
Subject coverage is both wide and diverse and includes entries for activities, associations, awards and prizes, buildings, memorials, location and place names, people, publications, sports and other related information. Biographical entries include former students of the School, staff members and significant individuals associated with the School.
In-depth entries are not provided in most cases, more detailed information may often be obtained through the listed sources particularly those of the Australian Dictionary of Biography and other College texts. This is particularly so in the case of sporting information and Principals of the College.
All subject entries are edited and re-written to some degree, although they are often based on extracts either whole or in part from School publications such as Pegasus, Ad Astra or associated College publications such as Geelong Collegians’ at the Great War. Authorship is variable. Many entries include original research or writing by the compiler. As a consequence, not all entries are stylistically similar or based on the same levels of research. Since many of the entries are derived from, or extracts from secondary sources rather than primary sources, users are reminded that the accuracy of the Guide is dependent on the quality of the original writing and research. Users are strongly urged to verify information and research. No misrepresentation, inaccuracy or harm is intended and verifiable errors notified will be amended in the on-line publication. Information in this Guide may be amended at any time entirely at the sole discretion of The Geelong College.
Sources used have been diverse but most information is derived from School based sources and indexes such as Pegasus, Ad Astra, Annual Reports and the Geelong College Enrolment Registers. Confidential student and staff records have not been accessed for the purposes of this Guide. Most Images are derived from the Geelong College Archives and College publications and a preference has been given to using School based images sometimes over better quality externally available images. Paul Mishura’s extensive Old Collegians' Database has been of particular value and usefulness in regard to vital details.
Preference has been given to providing at least one image per subject entry. Preference has also been given to images which depict people as they were known to College contemporaries.
The words ‘The’ ‘A’ or ‘An' are removed from the commencement of most entries. The words ‘Geelong College’ or ‘The Geelong College’ are usually removed from the commencement of most subject entries. Very little hypertexting between entries has been included at this stage.
This Guide is an endless work. Its extent and coverage is largely governed by the resources devoted to the task. Much material is yet to be researched or written. The absence or inclusion of a subject or biographical entry may have no particular significance although in many cases the absence is simply due to a lack of adequate information or source material. Many entries are considered incomplete and will be amended over time as additional information or research becomes available. Contributions and amendments are welcome.
Biographical pages in chronological categories are assigned on the basis of the last known year of that student's attendance at the College.