BARNET, Kenneth William (1943-2021)
Ken Barnet boarded at The Geelong College for two years, where his brother Ian was also attending (OGC 1956), having previously gone to Shepparton High School. His father Bob (OGC 1927) and younger brother Peter (OGC 1960) also attended the school.
A member of Morrison House, Ken received multiple House and School colours for his involvement in football and cricket. He served on the 1st XI cricket and 1st XVIII football teams.
Ken returned to Shepparton where he worked and enjoyed being part of the local football team. He played for Shepparton Football Club, later becoming a Life Member, and serving as their secretary. He was a member of the 1963, 1964 and 1965 Premiership sides under playing-coach Tom Hafey. Ken also played for other local clubs when he relocated for work.
Ken married Cheryl and they have two daughters.
In 1999 the couple moved to Tocumwal to manage the Early Settlers Motel. Enjoying their new home, they have lived there ever since.
Ken passed away 10 October 2021, aged 78 years.
Sources: Brian Walsh Funerals 14 October 2021, Pegasus, OGC 1959.