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CARR, Raelene Florence (1960-2017)

CARR, Raelene Florence 'Lainey' (1960-2017)

'Lainey' Carr.

'Lainey' Carr.

'Lainey' Carr was the Assistant to the Director of Professional Learning and the Director of Development at the College. Always a consummate professional with extraordinary organisational skills, 'Lainey’s' magnetic personality and ability to interact with staff from all areas of the College made her a pleasure to be around. She is fondly remembered for the vivacity and humour she brought to each and every work day. We are blessed to have known her and feel the joy of her spirit.

'Lainey' remained a serving member of staff until her death on 14 July 2017.
'Lainey' Carr.

'Lainey' Carr.

Sources: J Taylor (obituary).

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