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FYFE, Alisdair McIntyre (1936-2020)

FYFE, Alisdair McIntyre (1936-2020)

A Fyfe, Prefects 1954

A Fyfe, Prefects 1954

Alisdair McIntyre “Mac” Fyfe was born 20 November 1936 to Alexander and Nance Fyfe. Coming from “Mrs Seymour’s”, Mac was enrolled at Geelong College as a day student in 1945, starting in Form LIV B (about year 4). His family lived at 10 Austin St, Bareena (Newtown). He remained at the College until 1947 when the family relocated to Warracknabeal. He was a recipient of the James Boyd Scholarship that year.

In 1950, Mac received the John Bell Armstrong Scholarship and returned to the College as a Boarder in the Remove Form (about year 8). In 1952, Mac again received the James Boyd Scholarship. In his final years at College Mac was a keen sportsman and student leader. He was appointed Calvert House Prefect in 1953 to replace John Waugh who returned to his family’s property in NSW. He continued in the role in 1954 and was also School Prefect and secretary of the PFA that year.

In school sports, Mac was on the 1st XVIII football team in 1953 and 1954 and a member of the Earl Roberts Trophy Shooting Team and Clowes Cup team. His football coach reported that he played as a wingster who “improved throughout the season—a neat mark and kick” and was “a nice mover—a careful and accurate pass—at times played very well”.

Also in 1954, as part of his role in the cadets Mac was one of chosen to represent the school when Queen Elizabeth II opened parliament in Canberra. Mac and C R Abery formed part of a combined school cadet unit which together with contingents of the Australian Armed Services marched past the Royal dais.

His brother Grant McIntyre (OGC 1953) also attended the College from Kinder 1945-1947 and 1953-1956.

In his first year out of school in 1955 Mac went on to study commerce while working with Dunlop in Melbourne. Remaining in Melbourne, he went on to become an accountant. Mac married Jean and they had three children.

Alisdair Fyfe passed way 6 April 2020 aged 83 years.

Sources: H. Fyfe, The Age 8 April 2020, Pegasus, OGC 1949.
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