
Heritage Guide to The Geelong College

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First Pipe Band, circa 1964.

First Pipe Band, circa 1964.


The Pipe Band commenced in 1964 and Pegasus commented that The brass band was joined this year by a pipe band of some promise. Oddly in 1970, Pegasus noted it as being in its third year. It was mentioned in 1974 but appears to have been disbanded that same year. The Cadet Corps was effectively disbanded at the end of 1975.

Pipe Band, circa 1969.

Pipe Band performing on the Main Oval, circa 1969.

Pipe Band late 1960s.

College Band late 1960s.

Sources: Image, Pipe Band, 1969 - Seward.
© The Geelong College. Unless otherwise attributed, The Geelong College asserts its creative and commercial rights over all images and text used in this publication. No images or text material may be copied, reproduced or published without the written authorisation of The College.