
Heritage Guide to The Geelong College

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SUTHERLAND James Fraser (1933-1952)

James Sutherland.

James Sutherland.

SUTHERLAND James Fraser (1933-1952)

James Fraser Sutherland was a student at the College from 1947 to 1951 who was tragically killed in Melbourne several months after finishing his schooling at Geelong College.

The James Fraser Sutherland Memorial Prize for outstanding work in fine and applied arts, formerly a prize for craftsmanship, is named after him. He was the son of the Rev William Fraser and Mary Leeson nee Thorn and had first attended Warragul High School before Geelong College. He left School to study at Ormond College. His parents donated a bequest from his estate to the School to establish the prize. ‘Jim’ Sutherland was in 1951, vice-captain of Morrison House, secretary of the PFA committee, a member of the music committee and sub-warden of the House of Guilds and a debater. He won both the History and Literature Prizes of 1951 as well as the Robert Gillespie Scripture Prize of 1951.

His brothers, Peter William Sutherland (1935-2017), Thomas Remington Sutherland, and David Sutherland were also educated at Geelong College.

Sources: Pegasus June 1952 pp 2,44; Pegasus December 1952 p 4.
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