
Heritage Guide to The Geelong College

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Listen to an audio version of the Geelong College War Cry from 2010.

An early version of the College War Cry was published as follows:

Ah one, ah two, ah three,
Eee go ya, eee go ya,
Anglo poppity, terra woppity
Oinka oinka, ya ya ya.
Yurdum wee, yurdum wee,
Yurdum yackity, wallum zackity,
Yackity, yackity, yurdum, wee.
Boom chicka boom, boom chicka boom,
Boom chicka, chicka, chicka, boom, boom, boom.
Here we, here we, here we are,
Geelong College, ya ya ya.

A more recent version of the College War Cry used specifically for rowing is the following from 2007:

Let's hear it with great exuberance ah one, ah two, ah three
ee ya ya, ee ya ya anglo poppity, terra woppity oinka oinka ya ya ya ya yarrum wee
yarrum wee yarrum yackity wallum zackity yackity yackity yarrum wee

boom chicka boom, boom chicka boom boom chicka chicka chicka boom boom boom here we,
here we, here we are Geelong College, ya ya ya

Who won the boat race in '36? We did. '44, '55, '56, '57, '59,
'60, 76, '90, '93, 2000, 2001 and 2003)
(Girls: '81, '82, '83, '89, '92,' 99, 2002, 2003 and 2006)
Who's gonna win the boat race this year? WE ARE
Which ... College? GEELONG COLLEGE
Let's hear it for College Oi Oi Oi.

© The Geelong College. Unless otherwise attributed, The Geelong College asserts its creative and commercial rights over all images and text used in this publication. No images or text material may be copied, reproduced or published without the written authorisation of The College.